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Our Story

My love for Shelties started when I was a little girl. My grandmother had a picture of a Sheltie guarding over a lost lamb. I would dreamily stare at this picture every time I would visit. When I was in college, the parents of my best friend were raising Shelties. I would go visit and help with feeding and caring for her dogs. When the time came that I was ready to purchase a puppy, I went to their house and sat among all of the females to determine from which one I wanted a pup.  Only one was willing to come to me and let me love on her immediately. That was the girl that was going to give me my first Sheltie love, a little male I named Tio. He was my faithful companion and was extremely smart. Although I always wanted to breed him, it was not the right time of my life to get into it. I loved Tio for 14 wonderful years and was in the midst of beginning my family when he passed away. 


After a few years, I was ready for a new puppy. My youngest was two at the time, and I knew that a new puppy would be his friend. After searching for quite some time, we found our second love, Laika. She was a constant companion for my children, chasing them and rolling on the ground with them. I was prepared to breed Laika, but she began having odd seizures of her legs. I knew I could not pass this on to puppies, so I continued to wait. My children are basically grown now and I can finally focus on bringing lovely little Shelties to others. I began a quest with my girls to find beautiful Shelties to pair up for breeding to bring color and joy to others. We have raised our dogs from puppies and taken extreme care of them to develop healthy dogs.  That picture that belonged to my grandmother hangs on my wall to this day as a reminder of my love for the breed.


Our family currently consists of six shelties. Laika is still with us and we acquired Skylar as a gift for my daughter when she turned 16. Our newest Shelties are two girls, Kaysen, a bi-blue, and Ivy, a bi-black, along with our two boys, Sterling, a blue merle, and Clark, a tri color. Our furry family resides in our homes in central Kansas. For more information, visit us on Facebook and Instagram!

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